Jeal and Adrian | A Lake Como Engagement Shoot
As wedding photographers based in Southeast Asia, the shooting conditions we’re used to are almost always tropical, and the infrastructures, if any, usually won’t fall under what you can categorize as aestheticism. In other words, it is humid, harsh, has minimal golden hour and barely any complementing structures to make it interesting. Also in other words, not very ideal for photoshoots. Many will say that such conditions sharpen our skills and allow us to squeeze the best out of every situation, and that would be true. Yet, at the same time, when taken to places where the conditions are the opposite, there is a bit of shock and doubt that the tricks up our sleeve don’t seem needed anymore.
I’m talking about places incredibly put together (structure, nature, weather), like Como in northern Italy. Here, any spot is worth a consideration. Thus from being used to extracting ideas from a location, here we have to resistlessly reduce them to a manageable level. It also doesn’t help when your subjects are as gorgeous as Jeal and Adrian; the concepts just overflow, and that’s also not easy – a good thing for sure, but not easy.
So maybe enough of the backstory. Let’s get to the all-important part: the photographs of Jeal and Adrian in stunning Lake Como. This place is vast, and we planned to carefully capture its essence with this beautiful couple without going too far (pun intended). So, from Bellagio to Ossuccio to Verano, we took parts of the region and made it uniquely Jeal and Adrian’s. We did the garden, the boat, the alleys, and yes, in the lake itself – it’s Como like never before, an ideal place with ideal subjects from photographers who are not so used to ideal conditions. Enjoy.
Dress: @maktumang
Make-up: @sweetmoniiique
Video: @innarhuntfilms
Elevated. Reputable. Beautiful.