Jaja and David | Cebu Destination Wedding
Posting a blog entry on a weekend is against the fundamental rules of social media. People are tuned out because it is the time they do other things. But when a wedding is of such beauty and the bride is of such gorgeousness, who really cares about the rules right? I personally would go online if it means witnessing such love and beauty.
And that is why you’re seeing a new post in this nice Saturday morning. The wedding of Jaja and David doesn’t need to adjust to people’s availability – the loss is to those who will miss to see it. Set in the bustling city of Cebu, it is one of our favourite destination weddings this year. The trip included a pre-wedding shoot in David’s ancestral home that I strongly suggest you check out as well (click here.)
Jaja has all qualities of a Metrophoto bride. Super sweet, strikingly pretty, and an unparalleled charm and avidity. They are so infectious that I’m sure you’ll get (and even feel) what I mean just by looking at the photos. She and David make such a cute and ideal couple and it’s always a joy whenever I see or get in touch with them. Which of course will happen again soon as I visit Cebu and I can’t wait.
So consider this a treat that you don’t have to wait for the weekend to finish to see something as stunningly beautiful as these. :)
Jaja King
Awwww…. You’re too nice! Thank you so much Oly and to the Metrophoto team for being sooooo amazingly awesome!!! :) :) :) we are forever grateful! :)
Llora Lorenzo
Good day!
May i know the suppliers of Jaja and David | Cebu Destination Wedding?
Thank you,