Carnival Pre-wedding | Cheryl and Joseph
I’ve always been fond of happy places, I’m a sucker for theme parks and carnivals and I don’t think I will ever outgrow them. Just the idea their existence and the possibility of being there get me excited. As a photographer, the character, life and color in every carnival is just a haven for the most dynamic and artistic shots.
The version of a carnival in the Philippines is small-scale, portable, and domestic. Similar to carnivals as we know them, they do travel from one place to another but these ones feature more of just the typical rides and not the shows and animals that usually come with it. I have shot a pre-wedding shoot in a local Philippine carnival before but I’ve always wanted to do it again.
It took a good five years before I got my chance again. This time I felt that I’ve grown already as a photographer but the fundamental theme is always there. I couldn’t be more happy with how the photos from the pre-wedding of Cheryl and Joseph turned out. And I have no one else to thank but them for painstakingly weaving the whole northern Philippines for the ideal carnival to shoot.
Enjoy the photos.
Thanks to Jeff Galang for the beautiful styling.
meg bagadion
nice!!! saan po to? :)
leng olino
bongga!!! :) lovveeettt ;) cant wait for mine hihihih <3